Prosightful Counseling and Consulting

Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM | Central Time
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Amirah Ambekisye - Cotton

PLMHP, PMSW Provisionally Licensed Mental Health Professional (PLMHP) & Holistic Wellness Coach

About Amirah

Amirah Ambekisye – Cotton is a native of Queens, New York City. She has over 14 years of active duty military service underneath her belt serving as a Human Resource Officer. Her motto for her social work practice is to improve the quality of life of others. She has a true passion to serve individuals who have experienced negative effects stemming from military service, mental health conditions, military sexual assaults, child sexual abuse, and trauma survivors. She has served in various locations across the United States including two overseas deployments to Afghanistan. She is eager to serve the people in her community at ProSightful Counseling and Consulting Incorporated to achieve their holistic health and fitness goals. Amirah is a Provisionally Licensed Mental Health Professional (PLMHP) and a Provisional Master of Social Work (PMSW).

Amirah Cotton has earned her Master’s Degree in Social Work and an undergraduate degree in Business Administration. Her graduate studies specialize in the area of Health and Mental Health from the University of South Carolina.

  • Master’s Degree in Social Work and undergraduate degree in Business Administration
  • Graduate studies specializing in Health and Mental Health from the University of South Carolina
  • Licenses:
    • Provisional Licensed Mental Health Practitioner (#12920)
    • Professional Master Social Worker (#7718)
    • State of Nebraska

Q: Why is finding the right therapist crucial for a successful therapeutic journey?

A: Finding the right therapist is crucial because the therapeutic relationship plays a significant role in the effectiveness of therapy. As a compassionate and authentic therapist, I strive to create a safe and non-judgmental space where clients can explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences openly.

Q: What approach do you take to therapy?

A: I take a client-centered approach to therapy, meaning that I tailor my techniques and interventions to meet your unique needs and goals. This approach ensures that the therapy is personalized and focused on your individual journey to wellness.

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Military experience lends perspective for Army captain’s counseling support services.
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Other Team Members

Dr.G is the CEO of Prosightful Counseling and Consulting

Dr. Gerald Igboanusi​

Sharon is the Administrative Assistant at Prosightful Counseling and Consulting.

Sharon Hill

How It Works?

Explore therapy with ProSightful, where your journey to wellness begins with an initial contact, personalized therapy sessions, and ongoing support tailored to your unique needs.

How it works Image. We normalize therapy just like riding a bike.
  • Initial Contact and Book an Appointment

    Reach out to us via phone or email to schedule an appointment or inquire further about our services.

  • Personalized Therapy Sessions

    Once you book an appointment, the length and frequency of sessions may vary based on your progress and preferences, ensuring a personalized approach to your therapy.

  • Ongoing Support

    As you progress, we will continue to offer guidance and resources to help you achieve and maintain your wellness goals.

Ready to Begin Your Journey to Wellness?

Contact Us Today!

Take the first step towards healing and schedule your appointment now. Our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Our counselors bring a wealth of personal and professional experience in military life. They offer a level of empathy and understanding that is crucial for effective therapy.
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