Prosightful Counseling and Consulting

Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM | Central Time
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About Us

Empowering Growth

We are dedicated to discovering ways to help you find out more about who you are, what we stand for, and how we can support you on your journey towards wellness.

An Individual Counseling session


At ProSightful Counseling & Consulting, we are dedicated to providing compassionate, holistic, and client-centered mental and behavioral health services. Our mission is to break down barriers to access by offering affordable support to underserved communities worldwide.


Creating a stigma-free world — We envision a world where mental health is destigmatized and everyone has access to the support they need to thrive. Through our inclusive and empowering approach, we aim to foster life-changing relationships and promote well-being for individuals and communities alike.


ProSightful Counseling & Consulting is driven by values of compassion, integrity, inclusiveness, and professionalism. We are committed to responsiveness, dedication, and respect in everything we do, ensuring that every individual receives the support and care they deserve.

Individual therapy session

Our Holistic Approach to Therapy

At ProSightful Counseling & Consulting, we believe that true healing encompasses more than just addressing mental health concerns. Our holistic approach integrates the mind, body, and spirit, recognizing the interconnectedness of these elements in promoting overall well-being.

Our Social Impact

Number of Clients served
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Services Offered
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Donated to Underserved Client's Sessions
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Your Path to Wellness: How It Works?

Explore therapy with ProSightful, where your journey to wellness begins with an initial contact, personalized therapy sessions, and ongoing support tailored to your unique needs.

How it works Image. We normalize therapy just like riding a bike.
  • Initial Contact and Book an Appointment

    Reach out to us via phone or email to schedule an appointment or inquire further about our services.

  • Personalized Therapy Sessions

    Once you book an appointment, the length and frequency of sessions may vary based on your progress and preferences, ensuring a personalized approach to your therapy.

  • Ongoing Support

    As you progress, we will continue to offer guidance and resources to help you achieve and maintain your wellness goals.

If you're struggling, remember that you're not alone.

We’re here to walk alongside you on your path to healing and growth. Take the first step towards a brighter future today.

A Child and Parent communicating


ProSightful Counseling & Consulting, Inc provides access to compassionate, holistic, client-centered, family-focused, culturally responsive, and affordable mental and behavioral health services that empower the underserved in communities in the United States and around the World where stigma or poverty limits access. We strive to connect individuals, families, institutions, and communities in relationships that foster health and well-being for all.

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